Fulcrum believes all qualified nonprofit leaders desiring to become Fulcrum members should have that opportunity. This can often be challenging given the lack of organizational and/or personal resources to afford the annual member dues.
To create the mechanism for nonprofit leaders to join and experience the incredible benefits of a Fulcrum membership regardless of their ability to pay, Fulcrum created the Fulcrum Fellows program.
The Fulcrum Fellows program provides memberships each year to qualified and accepted applicants who are unable to pay Fulcrum’s annual dues and would not otherwise be able to join.
These Fulcrum Fellows are provided with a three-year membership experience, with all of the benefits provided to regular dues-paying members, at no cost.
Importantly, the names of Fulcrum Fellows are not published, thus ensuring all members are treated with equity.
There are two mechanisms to become a Fulcrum Fellow.
The first method to become a Fulcrum Fellow is to apply and separately email Fulcrum at hello@fulcrumleader.com with a request to be considered for a Fulcrum Fellow membership experience. We ask that Fulcrum Fellow applicants include a 500 word or less response on why you believe you deserve to be a Fellow and an explanation for why your organization and/or you personally are unable to afford the annual membership dues. We have so few spaces available that we want to make sure that we reserve Fellows spots for the most deserving applicants.
The second method to become a Fulcrum Fellow is to apply and separately reach out to a local community foundation or other grant-making organization to secure your three-year membership experience as a mechanism for them to invest in your organization and your capacity to help that organization thrive.
Below we have provided tools and resources that will support your efforts to secure the membership dues required. We have found that foundations are amenable and supportive to this approach as they value professional development and understand the investment that is necessary for you to succeed.